Saturday, March 15, 2008

Steve's update for Friday, March 14, 2008

Yesterday AM- we took Steve by ambulance to Mercy Hospital/Roseburg-- as his breathing was labored and I was told that this weekend was a dangerous time for Steve with his white count levels so dangerously low. We were planning on leaving for the hospital to get 2 units of blood. We were all ready to leave when he started feeling so bad, that I made the decision to call 911.

While at the hospital they found he had 2-3 small blood clots. So after giving him the 2 units of blood we had previously orderd, they started the blood thinning shots to stop the blood clots. He had a CT-scan of his chest again to find out about blood clots, as only a blood test showed the possiblity of the blood clots.

He is in the PCA unit at Mercy--however, we are asking folks to limit their visits with Steve has he hasn't had much sleep since he left Providence almost a week ago. His edema is so severe that he is constanting peeing all the chemo/liquids out of his body. Then Mercy gave him lasix last night and he was up all night AGAIN peeing his brains out!!

I'm emotionally and physically exhausted--but feel the prayers and concern from everyone we come in contact. (Steve made me leave the hospital last night and made me go home and get some sleep--some things never change, he still tells me what to do!!)
Steve will probably remain in the hospital over the weekend, while they find out where the blood clots originated.

Steve had his CT-scan Thursday evening and only news he have received is that the lymph nodes in his abdomen have reduced in size because of the last chemo treatment--PTL!! But we don't know much else. Steve is getting weaker and I'm not sure that he could tolerate another round of chemo so soon. We had planned on taking some "family down time" to be at the Coast --as everyone is trying to find us a beach home during the busiest season of the year--Spring Break. But with his health, we may not need a beach home until the first week of April. It will all depend on what the doctors say about the blood clots, etc. & how Steve is feeling.

One of the nicest things about living in a small town, is that WE may not know what we are doing--but EVERYONE else does!

Point in fact: Thursday afternoon we had bad weather in the form of hard blowing rain. We had left Steve's wheelchair parked on the front porch. We were getting Steve dressed to go into town for his DR appt and CT-scan, when we heard foot steps on our porch. Knowing it wasn't December and it couldn't be Santa--I looked outside and saw Val (our adorable Public Works gal) moving Steve's wheelchair out of the rain!
I went outside to see what she was doing and she replied:
"We saw that Steve's wheelchair was getting soaked by the rain, so we thought we should move it!" They were driving by and saw this--isn't that incredible?

She had also attached an envelope to our front door with phone numbers of the public works staff to call when I needed help in getting Steve from the house into our car.

Isn't that just like the Lord to put the exact people in our paths at just the right time you need help? So a few minutes later 2 bulky guys & Val returned to help me get Steve out of the house in his wheelchair and into the Blazer so I wouldn't overwork my poor back!

God is so good!!. He isn't answering our prayers in the way we'd like to see them answered. But he hasn't deserted us either! We are surrounded by fantastic family and friends who are so willing to help Steve anyway possible and we are so overwhelmed by everyone's generosity to us. Thank you for being the loving arms of the Lord--sometimes the road ahead seems so bleak. But when I get my eyes off of the "what if"s" and on to the "right now's"--I see that the love of God is shown by everyone around us.
Thank you!
mj & Steve

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