Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Lil some from Lynsey

Mother Teresa once said I can never understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish. In times such as these, I think I can partially grasp what Mother Teresa was feeling. There are not enough words to express how thankful my family is. We have been so blessed by such a remarkable community who has risen to the daunting task of walking through this difficult time with us.

I would have liked to write something more enlightening or heartwarming for my blog debut however, all I really want to express is my thankfulness to everyone who has sent a note of encouragement, crossed something off of the infamous "list", came by for a visit and the countless other gifts of love we have received.

Thank you Thank you Thank you

As many of you are probably aware, my Father is still in the hospital at Mercy (room 303) and by now must have received the Mercy's version of the Guiness worldbook of visitors. Its a pleasant change for him, being in Roseburg vs being in Portland. In Portland, I always have to be so quiet, however Mercy is used to the loudness that the Smith clan brings. And also being in Roseburg he recieves many more visitors. C:

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